Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policy

A Minimum Advertised Price policy (often called MAP for short), is a pricing agreement between a brand and its resellers to not advertise the price of a specific product below a predetermined price. A MAP policy can help create a level playing field for retailers. So even small companies and traditional retailers with large overheads can stock a brand’s products knowing that they will be able to advertise them for a competitive price.

Experienced retailers who are good and trustworthy partners appreciate a MAP because they know that they can remain competitive on prices. Too often, too many products are being sold at too low of a price, which harms retailers' ability to stock and sell items to their customers. Note that our MAP policy is not just a "suggested” price but rather an enforceable price. 

Click Here for a PDF spreadsheet of all MAP items.

Click Here for an Excel spreadsheet of all MAP items.

Toy Wonders' MAP policy:

  1. The Minimum Advertised Price for any MAP Product is as published on Toy Wonder's official website. MAP pricing is established by Toy Wonders and may be adjusted by Toy Wonders at its sole discretion.

  2. Our MAP Policy applies to all advertisements of MAP Products in any and all media, including, but not limited to e-commerce, web stores (eBay, Amazon,,, etc.), flyers, coupons, mailers, inserts, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, mail order catalogs as well as Internet sites, social media sites, apps, or any other electronic media. The internet is considered as any other medium for advertising and the same rules and violations that apply to print apply to sellers who use electronic medium for advertising, and/or price offering or order placement. 

  3. To remain in compliance with the MAP guidelines all advertised prices should be at or above our MAP listed price prior to placement and after it enters into an online shopping cart. 

  4. Shipping costs are EXCLUDED from calculating the advertised price. Whether you offer to pay freight or not, the price you advertise our MAP items must meet our MAP price. For example, if our MAP is $20 and it cost you on average $8 to ship it to your customers, you may NOT advertise the product for $12 + $8 shipping.  If our MAP is $20.00, the price on your site or marketplace store MUST be $20 or higher -regardless if you offer free freight or not.

  5. Website features such as "click for price” or automated emails that return a price for an item or a price list, constitute "advertising” and thus still must adhere to our MAP policy.

  6. If you desire to list a product at a price and then apply a strike-through and offer a lower price, this is permitted as long as your offering price meets our MAP for that item.  tactics like "click to see pricing” or "call for pricing” on web pages or in advertisements.

  7. MAP applies only to advertised prices and does not apply to the price at which the products are actually sold or offered for sale to an individual consumer within the dealer’s retail location or on the phone. So verbally you are permitted to sell MAP products to your customer at any price, but when you list the product for sale that your customers can see, you must adhere to our MAP.

  8. MAP does not establish maximum advertised prices. You are welcome to offer MAP Products at any price in excess of our established MAP.

  9. You may advertise to the general public that you have the "lowest prices” or will "meet or beat" any competitor’s price, as long as you meet our MAP policy. 

  10. You agree to hold all our trademarks, copyrights, and images provided by us to you as Toy Wonders' property and use them in an authorized manner only.

  11. Advertising through any third-party auction site such as eBay with a starting bid price or "Buy it Now” options less than MAP is NOT permitted. Best offer auctions are not allowed without a reserve equal to MAP or greater.

  12. In the event you sell/give our products to another retailer, you are expected to inform them about our MAP policy and you are obligated to monitor their compliance because it can negatively impact your account.  

  13. Each Seller is expected to act on and request immediate corrective action on any known violation of the MAP Policy by a Seller.

  14. If you decide to bundle or make sets, the MAP price will be the total of all the individual MAP prices combined.

  15. Consequences for failing to adhere to our MAP Policy include, but are not limited to:

    (a) suspension of shipments of the product that is advertised at a price below MAP,

    (b) suspension of  shipment of a broader category of products,

    (c) suspension of all products that Toy Wonders supplies.
Our company will convey what items are subject to MAP and the MAP price in five (5) different ways: 
  1. Our website
  2. On order & shipment confirmations
  3. On our invoices
  4. On an excel spreadsheet
  5. On a pdf file that you can point your browser here:
If you sell on Amazon, you have the option to provide us with this information below:

Company Name:
Company Contact:  
Company Address:
Contact email:
Contact phone:
Amazon account #
Amazon* store name:

We will report to Amazon that your company is an authorized reseller of products we offer; Also upon written request, we can provide your company with a Letter Of Authorization (LOA). Note that Toy Wonders CANNOT control Amazon’s behavior, decision-making process, or actions. The above actions do NOT guarantee that you will be able to sell on their platform, But some of our customers have informed us that the above has provided some help when dealing with Amazon which seems to automate most of their responses.

To provide us with the above information or if you have any questions regarding our MAP policy, please send an email to
